
Elementary Athletics

Students are encouraged to be active at recess, on intramural teams, and on our school athletic teams. Participation on Grade 7 and 8 teams is determined through tryouts and criteria established by the coach. The students chosen to represent MCS on these teams must be students in good standing. Team shirts and shorts used by the teams are to be properly cared for and returned to the school immediately following an event. 

Depending on student interest and the availability of staff advisors and coaches, MCS may offer teams in the following sports: Cross Country Running, Volleyball, Basketball, Badminton, Soccer, Track and Field, and Softball. Information on tryouts, practice times and game times will be communicated on the website and/or directly to students/parents via permission forms. When an elementary team is offered at MCS it participates as part of the Renfrew County Elementary Interscholastic Athletic Association (RCEIAA). Information on meets, tournaments and competitions can be found on their website